Constipation / Bloating Testimonials

Constipation and Bloating Testimonials

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I was feeling sluggish, mentally exhausted, easily anxious, struggled to self-manage stress (not sleepful at times). Frequent constipation, indigestion, and lots of bloating. PMS was unappreciated, sleep was irregular (was not staying asleep throughout the night) All symptoms are relieved - I feel like a whole complete person. Anxiety no more, lots of energy, stress does not affect me much, no constipation or indigestion (regularly snack), no bloating, and cravings completely reduced.

Painful colon cramping, esophageal spasms, IBS issues, a lack of energy, conventional medicine gave me muscle relaxants to manage symptoms but no cure. Now, I feel much better - I have identified food irritants and eliminated problem food. BM is regular. Esophageal spasms are greatly reduced and IBS is under control. Energy levels are much better as well.

I was miserable. I was nauseous, bloated, and anxious 24/7. I always felt on edge and on the verge of cracking. I felt so hopeless and I was tired of seeing other doctors. Now I feel like I should at almost 23! My stomach feels normal and happy and my anxiety plus depression have definitely decreased. My mood has improved immensely and I feel uplifted and energetic. Thank you!
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