Fatigue / Weakness Testimonials

Fatigue And Weakness Testimonials

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I was feeling sluggish, mentally exhausted, easily anxious, struggled to self-manage stress (not sleepful at times). Frequent constipation, indigestion, and lots of bloating. PMS was unappreciated, sleep was irregular (was not staying asleep throughout the night) All symptoms are relieved - I feel like a whole complete person. Anxiety no more, lots of energy, stress does not affect me much, no constipation or indigestion (regularly snack), no bloating, and cravings completely reduced.

I was a 63 obese female who was very sluggish and I ate very poorly. It is so much better! I have so much energy and with the help of this facility am learning to take care of myself. Thank you so much. 

Tired, no energy, food habits where bad, not sleeping well and stomach problems. I had headaches and migraines. Now everything has improved. I have no headaches. If I wake up I can usually go back to sleep easily. Still working on eating better but I have improved a lot which has made my stomach much better. Energy has improved. 

Before I came in I had throat inflammation, weight gain, terrible acne breakouts, and I felt fatigued and anxious all the time. Now, I feel so much better! I lost weight, I have less anxiety, and I don't have any more acne break outs! My throat inflammation along with the gasping for air occurs much less and I learned that food was the cause for some of my problems. I stopped eating those certain foods and with the help of supplements from the doctor, I felt a huge difference!

I felt exhausted, anxious, and generally imbalanced. If I didn't eat within a four hour period between meals I was angry and moody. I had difficulty relaxing and being in my body. Now I feel much more balanced and empowered. I am able to feel when my body is hungry and I do not go into the old moody angry frame of mind. Now I take care of it and give myself what I need. I feel more relaxed in my body and able to live more fully. 

I was feeling miserable! I struggled trying to figure out what was wrong with me. I felt sick and tired the whole time. I was really frustrated with myself. Now I feel great! Amazing! I have more energy than before. I'm able to eat more than before. I go out, see friends often compared to before when I was feeling miserable. Thank you again for making me feel better with natural and safe supplements.

When I came to see Dr. Beliy I was overweight, unfocused and very frustrated. My health had declined severely and I was concerned about how to turn it all around. I felt like I was going downhill fast and had no plan of how to stop the decline. Now I feel energized, clear and much more focused. My skin is brighter and people comment on how healthy I look. My outlook is more positive and it's great to get back into my clothes again! I feel like myself again 

Before I came to see Dr. Beliy I was very fatigued and felt tired all the time. I felt like I could eat well and get more than 8 hours of sleep and was constantly becoming drained out no matter what I did. We have had several small breakthroughs with my energy levels and now I could finally sleep and feel like my body is healing. This week we had a huge breakthrough and I finally feel like I am getting my life back! Thank you so much I feel like a new person!
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