Joint Pain / Body Ache Testimonials

Joint Pain / Body Aches Testimonials

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I've had a history of rheumatoid arthritis with swollen and painful joins since I was 6 years old, especially in spring and fall when the weather changes. My blood work always showed Rh factor higher than normal. Also, two cysts were found on my thyroid 6 years ago and monitored since then. After I started the program my blood work came out with Rh factor in a healthy range. What is even more important is that it's the end of September and I haven't had the swollen or painful joins even once. I just had an ultrasound of my thyroid done and they didn't find any cysts.

I was very tired and extremely stressed out. My stomach was bloated and I could not go to the bathroom regularly. I was using a laxative every week. I could not sleep and my blood pressure was high. Joint pain was very tense, and my mind was always racing. Now my blood pressure is normal. No bloating and I am very energetic. I can sleep and I have no joint pain now, not even in my hands which I think felt arthritic. Bathroom visits are normal and my stress level has greatly improved. Much happier and I have lost weight. This is the best thing I could have done for myself. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!

Before coming to LNM I had tried most conventional and alternative treatment for my back pain, cognitive issues and lack of energy. I felt like the only option I had left was to live with these problems even though I am in my 30's. I was introduced to nutritional repsonse testing and I felt like this would be a good way to address the root of my issues and conquer them at the source rather than temporary relief or masking them with prescription medications. Now I have seen significant imrpovement in my energy level and mood. My congnitive functioning is another area where I have seen marked improvements. This has impacted my self-esteem and social interactions, which was a surprise to me. Rather than feeling as though I will have to live with my problems, I now feel like I am gaining some control over them and may even be able to overcome them.
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